Unable to filter
Dave Serls
2003-06-10 16:02:58 UTC
I can define filters for the w32 0.9.0 version, but am unable to
have them execute.
--debug doesn't seem to have any effect.
Excuse my obtusity, I'm a user of the Linux version.
Thanks for any assistance.
* Dave Serls Littleton, CO, USA *
* dashs.denver.co.us sorrybiscuit.com *

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Thorsten Maerz
2003-06-10 16:41:13 UTC
Hi Dave,
Post by Dave Serls
I can define filters for the w32 0.9.0 version, but am unable to
have them execute.
--debug doesn't seem to have any effect.
This option will write some debug output to the file
<HomeDir>\.sylpheed\debug.log. If you use the debug
version (needs debug DLL pack), it will dump (even
more) output to a console window too.

Are no filters working or just specific? If moving
and copying fails, but e.g. coloring works, then
it is most probably caused by path/filename problems
(they show up in the debug.log).

I am not sure if giving an absolute path for Mailbox
location (in the Sylpheed dialog) is buggy again -
but setting HomeDir using the installer works (or
search the claws-w32 homepage for "HomeDir" on how
to set it using the registry).

Thorsten Maerz <***@netztorte.de>
Sylpheed-claws/Win32: http://claws-w32.sf.net